Save Churchill Part 2 - Belly Of The Beast Got to the command tent unseen and without killing. If you haven't been spotted you will unlock: This will cause the enemies to become distracted and allow you to slip into the entrance. Move up the left-hand side of the command tent and then throw a rock towards the campfire in front of you. At the other end go through towards the command tent. Go directly across from where you entered, being careful to not be spotted by the guy above you. Move past this and to your left is a passage to an underground tunnel. Crouch out of here towards a fallen pillar. At the other side wait for a few seconds while the enemies finish their conversation and one walks past you. Stick to the left of this area and through a wall and around a tower. Enter the building and then out the other door. At the end of this is a building with the corner missing. Start off by moving forward past the door and into a jagged pass. It is easier than it sounds due to the short length of the mission. You also cannot use any healing items whatsoever. They can have the yellow circle just not the red. In this mission, you have to get to a certain area without being spotted and without killing anyone.